I am an artist.
Aside from the visual arts I have the good fortune to be able to work in the realm of architecture.
I search for meaning through form: The Process Metaphor
I accept and embrace ambiguity for its multiple and simultaneous levels of meaning and understanding.
I have been influenced by the Italian Renaissance, Post Impressionism, Cubism, Dada & Surrealism, Pop Art and Italian Rationalism.
I understand and accept Abstract Expressionism as the logical progression of things.
(I ain’t got no quarrel with it)
I have subjectivist & mannerist tendencies.
I’ve come to the realization that approximate symmetry holds infinite possibilities.
(I guess that makes me a post cubist mannerist…maybe/possibly)
(fashion & clothing aside: I endeavor to avoid, ‘style’ as a design strategy)
To this day Cezanne remains, “The father of us all.”
Liner Notes (marginalia)
Form & Meaning: The Process Metaphor: I was introduced, and learned of this directly from Thomas L. Schumacher, especially his lectures on Guiseppe Terragni and the Danteum. Terragni, having associated himself as a young man with Benito Mussolini and his fascist movement, died at the age of thirty-nine, most likely, in part, of a broken heart. My ancestral homeland, through my father is but a stones throw away from Como, Italy, in ValColla and Cozzo, Switzerland; right on the border. Ticino: The Italian canton of Switzerland.
‘Popular Culture’ is and has been for me a constant source/resource for ideas and inspiration.
(I’m always on the lookout for its pertinent and lasting iconography)
For Instance: I hear talk that there are two known certain specific guitars(non-electric no less),
that claim to have the capacity to kill fascists.
I remain…curious still…about a great many things. (I am, and remain, ‘Curious’)